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Wiki Content Formatting

There are some tricks to making your wiki submissions more pleasing to the eye. Those users familiar with common, HTML tags will already know what they're doing, but here are some commonly used tags for the rest of us.

Most tags use square brackets like these [b][ ][/b]. When you wish to format text a certain way, you will have an opening tag [b][ ][/b] and a closing tag [b][/ ][/b]. Anything between the two tags will be formatted accordingly.




with any image you want to display. (Remember - You will need the closing tag and that you can host wiki images on 2GNT.)

Now, there are some tags which use
< >
instead of the square brackets. Some of these tags are shown here.

= Red
= link

When in doubt, you can always find a page where text looks the way you want it to look and then just copy the format around that text. Keep in mind that you can combine tags [b]
like this.

Now that you have a basic idea of how to set up your articles, you can see to it that your submissions to the wiki stand out as being the sharpest with proper emphasis where you want people to pay special attention to something.


Document statistics: Last modified on 2006-09-29 14:53:14 by DR1665

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